Tuesday 15 December 2009

T-Shirt feedback

Yesterday we all got feedback on our printed T-Shirts.
We all got some positive and some negative feedback.
People said my T-Shirt was well thought out, easy to understand and the colours i used were good. The negative feedback i got was more constructive and useful than the postive, people said my T-Shirt was a bit plain and it could be less smudged.
After getting feedback on my T-Shirt I think i should of tried harder not to smudge the writting although i remember at the time trying my best not too. I think i also could of used more colour in my design.

Monday 14 December 2009


I have just joined a petition to restrict volume control on headphones or music players.
I think bringing a law in to restrict the volume on headphones and music players would be good as it would limit the number of people who end up with hearing problems or tinnitus ( a ringing in the ears) as they get older.
One of the problems with this campaign is that some songs are quieter than others and may need to be played at a louder volume when listening with an ipod.
The Campaign is a good idea as i know when songs are played loudly through headphones it can do a lot of damage to your ears. As a drummer i play most days and try as much as i can to use ear protectors. Despite this i can tell my ears are not as good as they were due to drums and headphones being too loud. So i think this campaign is good overall.
This is a link for the campaign http://www.blogger.com/Headset-4-2morro/

L2 Steve T Shirt Presentation Finished

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


These are the two posters i made for my campaign.
I like the colours i used, i think they work well together. The yellow background with black writing looks like it could be a warning sign and grabs your attention, if i was doing that poster again i might experiment with warning stripes as a background.
If i was doing it again i would also make the font easier to read as it's hard to read the website at the bottom of the poster due to the font i used.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Local residence and traders combined to make a very strong campaign against tesco opening on Mill Road. There were many demonstrations, one big public meeting was held in st. philips Church on Mill Road which was the only local building that could hold so many people against the campaign. There was about 5000 people who signed the petition. Sadly tesco opened on Mill Road but fortunately for those against tesco they were not given permission for an extension on the back and to sell alcohol. Tesco are appealing again about the alcohol licence at the moment trying to get one. My dad was involved in the campaign and said tesco has over 50% of the supermarket sales in Cambridge and thinks that there should be some legal reason against this type of monopoly.

At the time i didn't take much interest in the campaign but after Tom Woodcock talked to us about it i am against it because Mill Road is such a multicultural road and big national stores spoil the individuality of the road.

One of the arguments against tesco was the difficulty of loading and unloading with no legal premition to do this on Mill Road, they had orriginaly argued that they would never send there vehicals down the narrow one way side roads but when tesco were not given premition to load on Mill Road they changed their minds and have since been sending their lorries through the dangerous residential back roads.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Tom Woodcock came into Long Road today to give us a talk on how to protest campaigns and some campaigns he has been involved in and how we could get involved in these sort of campaigns. Tom Woodcock is the secretary of the Cambridge and district trades union. He talked to us about a few campaigns he was involved in one being the post office workers going on strike. The other being to stop tesco coming to Mill Road which i was quite interested in because i live on Mill Road and my parents were involved when the protest was on although at the time i didn't take much interest in the protest. After listening to Tom Woodcock i agree that having Tesco on Mill Road is a bad thing as it is such a multicultural road and many other reasons. Even though their campaign was unsuccessful they still managed to stop them having an alcohol licence and lorries coming to update the stores on mill road because of the danger to cyclists.
Tom Woodcock talked about everything that was involved in making a successful campaign. He talked about how important researching your campaign was and how petitions help. He also talked about writing letters to your the local press and your supporters and making a web page for supporters to join to help your campaign.

I am campaigning for teenagers to have free calls or to pay a minimal cost for a large number of calls.
< These were some of my orignal idea's.

I've been looking at the campaign for 'Free Public Transport' which i think is quite simular to my campaign 'Free Calls'. Campaign's like these haven't been too succsessful before, which is easy to see as people are still paying for the bus each day. But i think we can at least decrease the amount you pay for these kind of things.

The technology required to make phone calls and send text messages is very cheap. Internet calls are virtually free and it only costs a provider approximately 1p for five text messages. Yet young people are normally charged a lot more than this.

The long term target of my campaign is for more teenagers to get free calls. My short term aim for this campaign is to cut down the amount we have to pay. I think teenagers will support this campaign as it is aimed that them, and they will benefit financially, and i'm also sure lots of older people would also support this campaign as they too would want cheaper calls.

The phone companies will be against my campaign because it will mean loss of profits from phone calls for them. If they're able to get teenagers to commit to their network they might benifit from loyalty and good reputation and more customers in the future.

Monday 7 December 2009


On Friday i videoed my interview again, i don't think the interview was as good as my first one as it doesn't really sound like an interview because of the way i asked the questons and the responses i got. 'No' 'Yeah' and '20 pound a month' were the replies to my three questions. If i was doing it again i would defiantly make sure i got longer responses and word my questions differently as it was hard for the person i was interviewing to elaborate on what he was saying.

Friday 4 December 2009

On Wednesday we made a video, we went round the college asking people our three questions about our campaign, a lot of people said they didn't mind us asking the questions but when we said they had to be videoed  they said they didn't want to answer the questions so it was hard finding people. We found a few people but some of us had to interview people in the class as no one wanted to be interviewed. We then edited the video using final cut express but i found that our interview was very unclear as it was recorded in the corridor with a lot of people walking past so i had to make mine again with a few others in a more quiet place.

Thursday 3 December 2009

This is my cram logo i designed to represent creative media diploma at Long Road sixth form college. I wanted to make it look creative as well as representing a creative diploma but this didn't go to well as i rushed a bit as i was late to join the course and have a lot to catch up on. Although this was just my draft I still want to make it look less messy especially with the lettering i have done. I tried to make it look colourful by adding different splodges of colour in the middle, i think this just looks messy and if i was doing it again would defiantly take it out. If i had spent more time on this logo i think i could of made it a lot better, it also doesn't represent the media course very well. I think it could possibly work with film studies though. Overall i think my design looks like something a 5 year old would do.


Fancy a brolly? from Battlefronters on Vimeo.

I chose this video because i think giving out a brolly on a rainy day is a great idea. I think the video is quite effective as its not someone just standing there being all depressed. It's suprising how many people ignored him and don't have time anymore. I'm sure if they spent 20 seconds on there time they would of loved to have been given on free brolly on a rainy day. I would of been a bit suspicious about this campaign though, i would of thought there was some kind of catch to it if i were offered a free brolly.
i think the sound is clear which is good also the actual filming itself was really clear.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Three questions

Tomorrow we're going around asking people three questions about our campaign while videoing their responces - these are my three questons.

Question 1.
Do you have unlimited calls? - if not would you like them?

Question 2.
How much do you pay for your calls?

Question 3.
Do you think having free calls is a good campaign

(Extra question if needed) - How many minutes do you think you use a month?

Monday 30 November 2009

What I did today?

Today we had someone who worked for the O2 come in to talk to us about Campaigns and Communications. She provides idea's for brands and campaigns, she gave us a talk about how to get the campaign across such as using posters and leaflets. She was telling us how brands such at O2 copyright their logo so no one else can use it.
She then showed us the Royal Navy's logo and how they change the colour of it and therefor it is less memorable for people.
We then started a campaign of our own. We thought that if doctors spend more time with their patients the patients would be happier because they would feel the doctor cares more about the problem. our poster said 'Healthy Patient, Healthy Hospital' then below it said 'Because we care' which i think added a good touch to our poster. Dispite this i don't think our poster was as good as it could be as we only had a limited time to make it(5minutes). If we were going to make one again i would have made the poster a bit more colourful and spent more time on it.

Sunday 29 November 2009

This has been my first week on the Media Studies course, during which I have begun to set up blogs, drawn up three different ideas for campaigns that would be suitable for 16 - 19 year olds, carried out research in the class to find out which campaign was the favourite, carried out research for my T shirt design, designed my T-shirt, printed and cut out the stencil and printed it. I have learnt a lot. The photo shoot on Friday meant that everyone has a photo of the T shirt they have designed, showing their campaign. The individual pictures were taken against an old graffiti wall which I think created a good background. The group photo shows the variety of T shirt and campaign designs that we have all made. After the photo shoot the photos were put on flicker so we could all see them and give each other feedback. A few people said that they liked the graffiti background in the individual photos because it helped to create an atmosphere.

This week is the first time that I have used a blog and it has taken me a little while to get used how it works. I was a bit frustrated this weekend because I had written a blog but did not save it because I had not completed what I wanted to say. My work was lost when someone turned off the computer. In the future I will post my blogs so that they are saved, and leave a note to say they are not yet complete if need be.

In order to design my T shirt I have begun to learn how to use some of the programmes on an Apple computer such as photoshop. I had to try and work out what to do on my own which was quite fun as well as frustrating because I got things wrong.

I enjoyed sketching my three campaign ideas on paper, and found myself thinking of other campaign ideas that I could have used whilst sketching. My final printed T shirt looks the same as my original sketch design and I am pleased with how it looks.

Saturday 28 November 2009

T-shirt printing

I started to design my final stencil for my t-shirt, on photoshop. I had never used photoshop before so i learnt how to use this softwere which was very usefull.
I first wrote 'Free Unlimited Calls' with each word having a differen't 'layer' so each word could be edited.
I had to find a simple image of a phone on google because i was having dificulty drawing one on photoshop so i could import it and print off my stencil. Using an acetate sheet my design was printed out and i had to cut out the lettering with a craft knife which took quite a lot of time.
It was difficult to cut accurately particulary around the smaller letters.
If i was printing it again i would choose larger letters with a more simple font design.
The next lesson i printed my stencil onto the blank t-shirt. I had to put a piece of cardboard inside the t-shirt so the paint didn't go through to the back. Using my design colours i painted over the stencil onto the t-shirt.
If I had more time to design my T-Shirt i would of added a larger picture of a phone to make the T-shirt stand out more but i think my T-shirt worked quite well.

Friday 27 November 2009


Banksy is an anonymous graffiti artist from Bristol, his real name is hidden from the media so he calls himself Banksy.

I think this picture is very clever. The way that Banksy has drawn a boat seemingly on a background which looks like it could be another boat gives a good effect.
I think Banksy's art is very clever and original.
The person in the boat looks like a skeleton because of the shade of white he used.
It's not something you'd regularly come across which i like.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

T-shirt design idea's

Today i've made my three t-shirt designs, i decided to use my 'free unlimited calls design as the one i will make into a t-shirt because it was the most popular campaign i had when i went around the class asking people what campaign they liked best of mine with 9 votes. The other two campaigns 'Longer sleepins' and 'making it easier for young people to get better jobs' only got three votes each.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Three Campaigns

Something that will improve your life?

The first campaign i created was to have longer sleep-ins. This would make my life better because i would be more awake to enjoy the day. I think younger people (aged 16-19) need more sleep to be more effective in their work.

Something that will improve other peoples lives?

The second campaign that i created was to make it easier for young people to get more interesting jobs with better pay. Perhaps by increasing the minimum wage by a few pounds and creating more diverse job opportunities perhaps so they can try out new kinds of work to know what they like doing. I think this will appeal to people aged 16-19 because most people around that age want a job where they get a good amount of money.

Something that will make someone smile?

The third and final campaign that I created was to give people free unlimited calls.When I went around my class asking people to choose their favourite from my three campaign ideas,this was the most popular. I think it has a strong appeal for 16-19 year old's as people around that age always have their phones on them and can waste so much money using them.

All three campaigns are suitable for 16 to 19 year olds because the need for more sleep, and more money are common to all young people. Money was a common link in the 2nd and 3rd campaign, the 2nd one in terms of earning it more readily and in a way that is interesting, and the 3rd one by saving money with free phonecalls. A lot of other young people will have pay as you go phones because they do not have a regular income for a contract phone. These constantly need topping up with credit. Also, the contract phones usually have a set number of minutes for calls, and if you exceed this number the bill at the end of the month is often very high. I think the idea of free calls was the most popular because most students have experienced difficulties in some way paying for their phone calls. My second idea about job availability with better rates of pay, may have only appealed to those who were looking for work. A lot of students may already have jobs, and it is therefore not so relevant for them. I'm not sure why there were less votes for longer lie-ins. Perhaps the other people in the class do not find it as difficult to get up in the morning, but it is more likely that the free phone call idea was more attractive.

Analysis of two designs from t-shirt websites

I chose this T-shirt because i find it funny, i love Bob Marley's music but i like the way they make him animated like the guy from Family guy on this T-shirt.
I wouldn't wear it myself as I'm not too keen on the background colour(black)but i like how the colour fades from red to green on his face, i think this is a good effect. I like the fact it’s different.

I chose this T-shirt because it’s something I would wear and Rage Against the Machine are one of my favourite bands. i like how the American flag has been put upside down. I think the price is a bit too much for it at £17.49.


T-shirts were originally worn as under tops, but as time went on the T-shirt got worn more frequently as the only piece of clothing on the top half of the body.

T-shirts have many uses and can be created in a large variety of ways, they can include a huge range of colors, size's and style's. A T-shirt is usually button less, collarless, and pocket less, with a round neck and short sleeves.

In the early twentieth century, the t-shirt became very popular in America. Now in the twenty first century the t-shirt is known and warn worldwide.

The T-shirt was easily fitted, easily cleaned, and inexpensive, and for this reason, it became the shirt of choice for young boys (perhaps more the choice of their mothers than of the boys themselves).

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