Sunday 29 November 2009

This has been my first week on the Media Studies course, during which I have begun to set up blogs, drawn up three different ideas for campaigns that would be suitable for 16 - 19 year olds, carried out research in the class to find out which campaign was the favourite, carried out research for my T shirt design, designed my T-shirt, printed and cut out the stencil and printed it. I have learnt a lot. The photo shoot on Friday meant that everyone has a photo of the T shirt they have designed, showing their campaign. The individual pictures were taken against an old graffiti wall which I think created a good background. The group photo shows the variety of T shirt and campaign designs that we have all made. After the photo shoot the photos were put on flicker so we could all see them and give each other feedback. A few people said that they liked the graffiti background in the individual photos because it helped to create an atmosphere.

This week is the first time that I have used a blog and it has taken me a little while to get used how it works. I was a bit frustrated this weekend because I had written a blog but did not save it because I had not completed what I wanted to say. My work was lost when someone turned off the computer. In the future I will post my blogs so that they are saved, and leave a note to say they are not yet complete if need be.

In order to design my T shirt I have begun to learn how to use some of the programmes on an Apple computer such as photoshop. I had to try and work out what to do on my own which was quite fun as well as frustrating because I got things wrong.

I enjoyed sketching my three campaign ideas on paper, and found myself thinking of other campaign ideas that I could have used whilst sketching. My final printed T shirt looks the same as my original sketch design and I am pleased with how it looks.

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