Monday 30 November 2009

What I did today?

Today we had someone who worked for the O2 come in to talk to us about Campaigns and Communications. She provides idea's for brands and campaigns, she gave us a talk about how to get the campaign across such as using posters and leaflets. She was telling us how brands such at O2 copyright their logo so no one else can use it.
She then showed us the Royal Navy's logo and how they change the colour of it and therefor it is less memorable for people.
We then started a campaign of our own. We thought that if doctors spend more time with their patients the patients would be happier because they would feel the doctor cares more about the problem. our poster said 'Healthy Patient, Healthy Hospital' then below it said 'Because we care' which i think added a good touch to our poster. Dispite this i don't think our poster was as good as it could be as we only had a limited time to make it(5minutes). If we were going to make one again i would have made the poster a bit more colourful and spent more time on it.

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