Thursday 10 December 2009

Tom Woodcock came into Long Road today to give us a talk on how to protest campaigns and some campaigns he has been involved in and how we could get involved in these sort of campaigns. Tom Woodcock is the secretary of the Cambridge and district trades union. He talked to us about a few campaigns he was involved in one being the post office workers going on strike. The other being to stop tesco coming to Mill Road which i was quite interested in because i live on Mill Road and my parents were involved when the protest was on although at the time i didn't take much interest in the protest. After listening to Tom Woodcock i agree that having Tesco on Mill Road is a bad thing as it is such a multicultural road and many other reasons. Even though their campaign was unsuccessful they still managed to stop them having an alcohol licence and lorries coming to update the stores on mill road because of the danger to cyclists.
Tom Woodcock talked about everything that was involved in making a successful campaign. He talked about how important researching your campaign was and how petitions help. He also talked about writing letters to your the local press and your supporters and making a web page for supporters to join to help your campaign.

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