Monday 14 December 2009


I have just joined a petition to restrict volume control on headphones or music players.
I think bringing a law in to restrict the volume on headphones and music players would be good as it would limit the number of people who end up with hearing problems or tinnitus ( a ringing in the ears) as they get older.
One of the problems with this campaign is that some songs are quieter than others and may need to be played at a louder volume when listening with an ipod.
The Campaign is a good idea as i know when songs are played loudly through headphones it can do a lot of damage to your ears. As a drummer i play most days and try as much as i can to use ear protectors. Despite this i can tell my ears are not as good as they were due to drums and headphones being too loud. So i think this campaign is good overall.
This is a link for the campaign

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