Thursday 3 December 2009

This is my cram logo i designed to represent creative media diploma at Long Road sixth form college. I wanted to make it look creative as well as representing a creative diploma but this didn't go to well as i rushed a bit as i was late to join the course and have a lot to catch up on. Although this was just my draft I still want to make it look less messy especially with the lettering i have done. I tried to make it look colourful by adding different splodges of colour in the middle, i think this just looks messy and if i was doing it again would defiantly take it out. If i had spent more time on this logo i think i could of made it a lot better, it also doesn't represent the media course very well. I think it could possibly work with film studies though. Overall i think my design looks like something a 5 year old would do.

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