Thursday 10 December 2009

I am campaigning for teenagers to have free calls or to pay a minimal cost for a large number of calls.
< These were some of my orignal idea's.

I've been looking at the campaign for 'Free Public Transport' which i think is quite simular to my campaign 'Free Calls'. Campaign's like these haven't been too succsessful before, which is easy to see as people are still paying for the bus each day. But i think we can at least decrease the amount you pay for these kind of things.

The technology required to make phone calls and send text messages is very cheap. Internet calls are virtually free and it only costs a provider approximately 1p for five text messages. Yet young people are normally charged a lot more than this.

The long term target of my campaign is for more teenagers to get free calls. My short term aim for this campaign is to cut down the amount we have to pay. I think teenagers will support this campaign as it is aimed that them, and they will benefit financially, and i'm also sure lots of older people would also support this campaign as they too would want cheaper calls.

The phone companies will be against my campaign because it will mean loss of profits from phone calls for them. If they're able to get teenagers to commit to their network they might benifit from loyalty and good reputation and more customers in the future.

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