Tuesday 23 March 2010

Youth Takeover at the junction

Youth to Takeover!

A group of Young Ambassadors from Cambridge have been granted 6.5k to fund a youth event this year at The Junction. 

They call it the Youth Takeover! There are workshops going on throughout the day with the biggest and best UK DJ’s. Shy FX is top of the bill.

Today i am going to the junction at 11 to interview Simon Bates about the youth takeover.

We're asking him the following questions while recording the interview.

1. What are your views on the youth takeover and do you think it will be a success?

2. If the youth takeover is a success will it encourage regular workshops and events?

3. You are having bands playing during the event, how many bands are playing and do you not think having bands playing will spoil the event?

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