Monday 15 March 2010

Film Review

I admit i was looking forward to this movie, which was supposed to be released in 2008 yet didn't get released until summer of 2009. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in my opinion isn't as good as the other Harry Potter movies. It's definitely one of those films you can only see a couple of times. Seeing it more than once was just a bore, yarn including 2½-hour movie with no real action.
Although the film had some marvelous scene's it didn't live up to my expectations of what he film would be. I thought the ending was average and should have carried on until when it finishes in the book. The movie also misses quite a few scenes out from the book and the lack of action in the movie definitely did not grab my interest.
In real life Daniel and Tom Felton, who plays his archenemy Malfoy, are best friends.An astounding 15,000 girls tried out for the part of Luna Lovegood.
I recomend if you're a Harry Potter fan you watch this film, but it is not one to watch more than once.

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