Friday 12 March 2010

Questions to junction staff.

At the junction we asked some junction staff questions about there job. I also spent the evening before with 3 junction staff and Gary Brown the manager of the junction where i also asked multiple questions.
I asked one of the junction staff what his job involves at the junction, he said 'a lot of meetings where they talk about the future of the junction and what is going to happen to events while planning new events.' I then asked him why he got into working there, he said 'because he didn't know what we wanted to do and the junction looked like a fun option to start his career.'
I asked him how he got the job, he said 'the manager(Gary Brown) offered it to him.'
Gary told me he had worked for many bands and artists such as Take That, David Bowie and the zutons to name a few but then started work at the junction and puts on the fiver night(which is going to stop soon due to fights outside the junction which have nothing to do with the fiver itself)

I asked Gary what was involved on an average day of manager of the junction, he replied 'A lot of organising and helping out other people in the junction'
He then said if i ever wanted a Job i would be welcome to work at the junction.

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