Wednesday 17 March 2010

These are flyers from fivers from two fivers in 2008. 
the fivers are very popular for students from around year 9 to year 11. He was telling me how he would get the bands who would bring the largest amount of people to play the fivers so if a band was made up of 5 people and they all went to different schools he would get them to play instead of a band who all went to the same school.
The fiver is a great opportunity for young local bands to play a good venue in front lots of people which gives them a great experience and gets them out in the local scene. 
When my old band got our first fiver we were only 13 and 14 so back then it was great just playing first, but now we're older and better we play much further up the bill and it's still always very busy and will be a shame if the fiver has to stop.
On the 2nd of April there is a big junction fiver that my band will be playing in, Kerrang, NME and Rocksound are reviewing the show. There will also be live shots of the crowd and the band in these magazines in the months to come! The music industry are also thriving on this night, there are like 70-80 guest listed names from nearly every record label imaginable! 
This could be an event to cover in the newspaper.

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