Wednesday 17 March 2010

Junction Fiver

I have been researching the Junction fiver. I couldn't find any information on it on the Internet so i had to book a night to find out about it with Gary Brown(the manager of the junction and puts on all the fiver events) He told me all about the fiver and the history. He was very helpful and i met up with him straight away. 
He said the fiver started out on a Tuesday night with just a few local bands with an audience of just about thirty people.
After a few years of that he managed to change the Fiver to a Friday night at the junction which increased the amount of people going. He started getting more local bands to play(5 bands) to get more people to come. 
By 2008 he started getting bands from hertfordshire, bedfordshire, Ipswich and other places near by Cambridge who have a bigger fan base already to headline the gigs and getting younger bands from around the age of 13-16 to play first to give them a gigging experience at a good venue.
Between January and august in 2008 the fiver night was put on every week at the junction. Gary then changed that to once a month and that managed to get the attendance up a lot and lots of fivers have managed to sell out since. 
He was telling me how the fiver might have to be put back to a Tuesday night again as the fiver has become so popular and there have been many fights outside the junction, which don't have anything to do with the fiver itself but the police but there are some meetings being held and the police might be taking the Fivers licence away until they realise the fights are nothing to do with the fiver. He was then telling me how the other venue's such as Man on the moon are wanting to take the fiver name and do similar like gigs on a Friday night.

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