Friday 26 March 2010

Kettles Yard Review

Thw house was very old and seemed cosy, we were allowed to sit on all the furniture, there was a room for a toilet and a whole library upstairs.

This was my favorite piece of art at Kettles Yard. Although at the start i thought it looked like a TV that had no channels.
I examined it for a rather long time and grew to like it.

Yesterday we visited three different art gallerys, one of which was Kettles Yard.
Kettles Yard is a contemporary art museum.
Mostly students and tourists would visit this kind of gallery. Kettles Yard is different to other galleries as it is actually inside someone's house and is fairly relaxed.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Simon Bates interview on Youth takeover.

Nathaniel; What are your views on the Youth Takeover and do you think it will be an overall success? Simon; Great Idea, came from a group of young people that The Junction work with. Hopefully develop new audiences and getting more people involved in The Junction. The day is planned with big Artists. Young people see it as a young persons event because it has been organised by young people. Nathaniel; If the Youth Takeover is a success, do you think it will encourage regular workshops and events? Simon; It's the whole plan, working with a small amount of young people and hope to make it bigger. Maybe use it to recruit enough young people to run a weekend event next year with enough funding. Nathaniel; You mentioned having bands playing in the evening, how many bands are playing and do you not think having bands play.. It might spoil the theme of the event? Simon; Wanted to put an event where all young people can takeover the junction no matter what their Genre. And being the best value for money. Nathaniel; Do you think the Youth Takeover will encourage more venues to do the same? Simon; Hopes that other venues will be inspired by the Youth Takeover and could do something where Young people Takeover more than one place, i.e take over the CITY!
My views on the Interview today, I think me and Nathaneil received some key information from simon today that will help finish the Article. Also I feel that the answers go into depth, therefore we can have a whole page dedicated to youth takeover which will attract lots of young people to attend.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Youth Takeover at the junction

Youth to Takeover!

A group of Young Ambassadors from Cambridge have been granted 6.5k to fund a youth event this year at The Junction. 

They call it the Youth Takeover! There are workshops going on throughout the day with the biggest and best UK DJ’s. Shy FX is top of the bill.

Today i am going to the junction at 11 to interview Simon Bates about the youth takeover.

We're asking him the following questions while recording the interview.

1. What are your views on the youth takeover and do you think it will be a success?

2. If the youth takeover is a success will it encourage regular workshops and events?

3. You are having bands playing during the event, how many bands are playing and do you not think having bands playing will spoil the event?

Monday 22 March 2010

Strange Place Club

Today i have started to research a new area in the Music, club scene and dance section.
i've been researching all about the 'Strange Place Club.' 
They put on gigs at venue's around Cambridge and other places in england such as hertfordshire. 
They book venue's such as the Portland Arms(pub in cambridge) The haymakers(another pub in cambridge) and the Junction in Cambridge. If they were to book the haymakers or the Portland Arms the headline act would usually be either an acoustic artist or a smaller up and coming band, but when they book the junction it's usually a more established band to headline.
They usually book an up and coming band to headline who would have a big following then get a couple of local bands to support who could get bring a large amount of people to come so the headliners can get more fans from the fans of the support band.
The local support bands are usually given out a number of tickets that they're expected to sell, for either the Portland Arms or Haymakers it would be around 50. Or if it's a bigger headline act and they book the junction they would be expected to sell 75.
I sent an email to their Facebook fan page and got a reply almost straight away which was efficient.
I asked them the following questions.
1. How did you start putting on bands at these kind of venues.
2. What are your favourite bands and artist that you have put on during the past.
3.What other area's do you put shows on.
He told me, him(Mark Kemp) and a freind started a promotion company for local bands only around the hertfordshire area, and overtime they started to book bigger and bigger acts and they got more people in the music industry to work for them. 
Mark Kemps personal favourite artists he has put on are, Foals, Dizzee Rascal and The Maccabees. 
He said they now cover the area's of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridge, Kent, Essex, Surrey, Oxford and Sussex.
I found all there myspace pages, they have a different page for each city, is thier website.
I have chosen not to write an article or review on this as i personally don't think it is local enough to cover. I originally thought it would be a good article but since researching it and finding out it covers so many other area's in England i have decided against it. 

Scene Unit Update

I sent an email to the manager of the junction asking how the Fiver was getting on and wether the police were taking away the license for it due to the trouble outside the Junction on Friday nights. 
He replied saying, the meeting was successful and the Fiver has the all clear to carry on, and by the tone of the email he seemed chuffed about it. He told me all the plans for the upcoming fivers and how he has already booked all the bands who are going to play so he can make them all busy nights at the Junction. 

Thursday 18 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

These are flyers from fivers from two fivers in 2008. 
the fivers are very popular for students from around year 9 to year 11. He was telling me how he would get the bands who would bring the largest amount of people to play the fivers so if a band was made up of 5 people and they all went to different schools he would get them to play instead of a band who all went to the same school.
The fiver is a great opportunity for young local bands to play a good venue in front lots of people which gives them a great experience and gets them out in the local scene. 
When my old band got our first fiver we were only 13 and 14 so back then it was great just playing first, but now we're older and better we play much further up the bill and it's still always very busy and will be a shame if the fiver has to stop.
On the 2nd of April there is a big junction fiver that my band will be playing in, Kerrang, NME and Rocksound are reviewing the show. There will also be live shots of the crowd and the band in these magazines in the months to come! The music industry are also thriving on this night, there are like 70-80 guest listed names from nearly every record label imaginable! 
This could be an event to cover in the newspaper.

Junction Fiver

I have been researching the Junction fiver. I couldn't find any information on it on the Internet so i had to book a night to find out about it with Gary Brown(the manager of the junction and puts on all the fiver events) He told me all about the fiver and the history. He was very helpful and i met up with him straight away. 
He said the fiver started out on a Tuesday night with just a few local bands with an audience of just about thirty people.
After a few years of that he managed to change the Fiver to a Friday night at the junction which increased the amount of people going. He started getting more local bands to play(5 bands) to get more people to come. 
By 2008 he started getting bands from hertfordshire, bedfordshire, Ipswich and other places near by Cambridge who have a bigger fan base already to headline the gigs and getting younger bands from around the age of 13-16 to play first to give them a gigging experience at a good venue.
Between January and august in 2008 the fiver night was put on every week at the junction. Gary then changed that to once a month and that managed to get the attendance up a lot and lots of fivers have managed to sell out since. 
He was telling me how the fiver might have to be put back to a Tuesday night again as the fiver has become so popular and there have been many fights outside the junction, which don't have anything to do with the fiver itself but the police but there are some meetings being held and the police might be taking the Fivers licence away until they realise the fights are nothing to do with the fiver. He was then telling me how the other venue's such as Man on the moon are wanting to take the fiver name and do similar like gigs on a Friday night.

scene Unit update

Today i have started a different category in the scene unit for the newspaper. I've started section 3(Music, clubs scene and dance) which i am looking forward to researching as i already know a lot of music events that happen around the Cambridge area and people who are involved in putting on these events so i already know a lot of information on these events. 

Monday 15 March 2010

Film Review

I admit i was looking forward to this movie, which was supposed to be released in 2008 yet didn't get released until summer of 2009. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in my opinion isn't as good as the other Harry Potter movies. It's definitely one of those films you can only see a couple of times. Seeing it more than once was just a bore, yarn including 2½-hour movie with no real action.
Although the film had some marvelous scene's it didn't live up to my expectations of what he film would be. I thought the ending was average and should have carried on until when it finishes in the book. The movie also misses quite a few scenes out from the book and the lack of action in the movie definitely did not grab my interest.
In real life Daniel and Tom Felton, who plays his archenemy Malfoy, are best friends.An astounding 15,000 girls tried out for the part of Luna Lovegood.
I recomend if you're a Harry Potter fan you watch this film, but it is not one to watch more than once.

Bigfoot Productions

Productions and found out Bigfoot(formally Film Ink) Productions are a Film and Television company that caters mainly for the japanese television, but also caters for others. Bigfoot are a small company with minimum overheads which allows them remain competetive without compromising quality.
They are based in Trumpington which will be fairly easy to get an interview and find out more about their productions. They have had over 13 years of experience in commercial and television programme production. They have helped in many big commercials and Tv Productions like; Elizabeth 1 (1999) Shakespeare (1999) Wallace & Gromit production (2001) Tv Man union NTV - David Beckham special.

Scene progress report

So far on the scene unit i have been researching and looking at film producers in the Cambridge area, finding out about them and then getting phone numbers and emails to contact these producers. I have found many film producers and companies in the area, but most of my research has gone into the company Bigfoot formally called Film link which i have written an article for.
What could I do to improve? To improve the work i am currently doing i am going to email Bigfoot productions to get an interview with them to ask questions that i cannot find out by just researching them and then improve my written article on Bigfoot.

Friday 12 March 2010

About the junction.

The Junction has 3 performance spaces; - The Junction 1, otherwise known as the J1. The J1 was opened in 1990 and has a capacity of 1050 or 850 when live music is on. The J1 is mainly known for hosting Club nights, fiver nights and other big names. - The Junction 2 is a 300 standing or a 220 seated. J2 was opened in 2005 and is mostly known for Comedy, theatre, dance and world music. - The Junction 3 was opened at the same time as J2 and is known for the Arts and youth developed. - J1 has two bars in the main space, with a third lounge bar open upstairs on club nights, all serving a range of alcoholic and non- alcoholic drinks. During the week the Bar is open at 7pm. For late night events, the bars close approximately half an hour before the event ends. - J2 is open during events and serves alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks, also serving a range of soft drinks and coffee's.

Questions to junction staff.

At the junction we asked some junction staff questions about there job. I also spent the evening before with 3 junction staff and Gary Brown the manager of the junction where i also asked multiple questions.
I asked one of the junction staff what his job involves at the junction, he said 'a lot of meetings where they talk about the future of the junction and what is going to happen to events while planning new events.' I then asked him why he got into working there, he said 'because he didn't know what we wanted to do and the junction looked like a fun option to start his career.'
I asked him how he got the job, he said 'the manager(Gary Brown) offered it to him.'
Gary told me he had worked for many bands and artists such as Take That, David Bowie and the zutons to name a few but then started work at the junction and puts on the fiver night(which is going to stop soon due to fights outside the junction which have nothing to do with the fiver itself)

I asked Gary what was involved on an average day of manager of the junction, he replied 'A lot of organising and helping out other people in the junction'
He then said if i ever wanted a Job i would be welcome to work at the junction.

Friday 5 March 2010

Scene Unit Today

Today i choose to research section five of the newspaper(Television, video and interactive media)
I searched into movie production companies based round Cambridge and found quite a few. 

Reflexion on Tuesdays lesson

On Tuesday we were divided into four different groups. Each group wrote about what we wanted the newspaper we're making for the scene unit to look like. 
The newspaper will be set out in four sections. Section one(visual arts and theatre and comedy), section two(film and animation and photography) Section three(music, club scene and dance) Section four(crafts fashion and clothing) Section five(film animation, interactive media) and section 6(Radio, Audio and advertising) and will have 12 pages over all.
We decided to split into smaller groups last time, we we thought we would get more work done working in smaller groups as there will be more work to do.
As a group we had various ideas of how to set the newspaper out. We organised the layout into different sections such as joining the music with club nights and dance.

Monday 1 March 2010

Scene session one, initial research.

This exhibition shows personal archives, printed books, official publicity material & specialist photographs & maps to illustrate a few of the ways in which spies have been documented. Highlights include: a 12th century manuscript recounting the story of King Alfred the Great entering the Danish camp disguised as a harpist; papers used investigating the Atterbury Plot in the 1720s; a draft telegram from the MI6 chief in St Petersburg in 1917 with news of Rasputin´s murder; a letter from Anthony Blunt telling how he was almost beaten up in Nazi Germany; & a Soviet military map

09:00 - 18:00
Phone: (01223) 333000
Clare Hall
Cambridge University,Herschel Road, Cambridge
Photographs and Sculpture

Photographs and Sculpture by Russell Cuthbert, Fiona Bennett and Marina Velez Vago

09:00 - 18:00

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