Tuesday 18 May 2010

Final Exam

This week i am going to carry out as much research as possible for my final exam.
i have already set up a facebook page for my t-shirt to get feedback on what people think of it to help for my exam.
Here is the page. 

and here is the link to the picture of my t-shirt that people have commented on which has helped. 

I am currently making a closed survey for people to fill out so i can make a graph and also an open survey to get more feedback from people. 

Sunday 16 May 2010

kettles yard review

Kettles yard is a rather special art gallery, in the centre of Cambridge. I did not know that it existed before my visit, and was surprised to find that on the outside, the gallery appeared to be a very old and pretty house. Once inside, there is a cosy feel, with furniture that you can sit on, a small toilet, and a large library upstairs.

Kettles Yard was a gift to Cambridge University by the former assistant curator of the Tate Gallery Jim Edes. Edes wanted the gallery to be a place where visitors felt at home and were welcomed. I certainly felt this welcome and a sense of peace inside. It does not feel like an art gallery, as the art is all around the house. If you enjoy visual arts and music, this is a good place to visit.

This photo gives you an idea of how some of the works of art are displayed inside the house.

Beside the old house there is a newer building where you can find many contemporary works of art. The picture to the right is an example of the unusual work that you can find. This was on a big screen, and at first I thought it looked like a TV that wasn’t working, but after looking at it for a while, I found it relaxing to look at. Even if you are not really into art, I think you would enjoy this place, and begin to find an interest in artwork.

Entrance is free, so you cannot go wrong in paying this place a visit if you have an hour to spare.

Foals review, scene.


I was at the Junction when Foals were having their sound check and from the little I heard, it sounded brilliant. I was therefore really looking forward to hearing them during the evening. I was not disappointed; in fact I continued to be amazed by their live performance. There was an exceptional performance from the guitarist, who had sweat dripping from his forehead and when the band broke into their hit single Cassius, the crowd went completely insane with drinks flying everywhere and small mashies breaking out even around the edge of the crowd. All the band members gave 110% despite having a whole months tour ahead of them. If you get the opportunity to go and see this band perform, you will not be disappointed.

The Fitzwilliam museum is an interesting place to visit. There are many rooms with paintings, sculptures and various artifacts. I was particularly interested in a vessel called Neck-amphola. This vessel was made a very long time ago in Athens, around 540 - 550 BC. The vessel is particularly fascinating because it is very detailed. The person who made it must have had a lot of skill. I would imagine that it would have taken a steady hand and an extremely long time to paint and make. This is just one of the many artifacts you can look at and find out about during a visit to this museum.

Scene, what each group worked on.

1. The Visual Arts/ Theatre/ Comedy: This group found out about events at the Junction, the ADC theatre, the Corn Exchange and Kettles Yard.

2. Film and Animation/ Photography: This group looked at the photography work of Amy Lee Pledger, who is a photography student at Long Road. They also looked at the Arts picture house productions and Equinox Graphics.

3. Music/ Club Scene/ Dance: On the music/ club/ dance scene page we found out about the main music, club and dance events for the months of March, April and May, so that we could include Listings of the events. I did loads of research on the Junction events like the Fiver and wrote about the history and a particular Fiver Event that was happening in the month of April. I had so much information I had to choose what to include. My group also wrote about local band Violet Bones, and Takeover the Junction.

4. Crafts/ Fashion and Clothing: This group found out about Sooz Jewellery, Hairy Growler Jewellery, POG crafts pottery and Naturally Bohemian (for fashion and clothing). All local.

5. Television and Video/ Interactive Media: I contributed to this area by doing research on BigFoot Television Productions and wrote an article about my research which the group did more work on and made changes for the newspaper.

6. Radio and Audio/ Advertising: This group found out about local radio stations like Cur 135 (short for Cambridge University Radio), run by Cambridge University students. This station is run by Cambridge University students (including ARU students), and is aimed specifically at the students and staff. Other local radio stations include Heart radio, Star radio, Kiss and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

Tuesday 11 May 2010


The junction didn't list the event on the website
there was another event on the same night at another venue and the junction takeover which had been organised months before was the next day which a lot of people were already going to before Bazaar was even made

History of festivals

A festival is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which centers on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community.

Among many religions, a feast is a set of celebrations in honour of God or gods. A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. However, the term "feast" has also entered common secular parlance as a synonym for any large or elaborate meal. When used as in the meaning of a festival, most often refers to a religious festival rather than a film or art festival.

In the Christian liturgical calendar there are two principal feasts, properly known as the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord (Christmas) and the Feast of the Resurrection, (Easter). In the CatholicEastern Orthodox, and Anglican liturgical calendars there are a great number of lesser feasts throughout the year commemorating saints, sacred events, doctrines, etc.

music festival is a festival oriented towards music that is sometimes presented with a theme such as musical genrenationality or locality of musicians, orholiday.

rock festival, or a rock fest, is a large-scale outdoor rock music concert, featuring multiple acts, often spread out over several days. The first rock festivals were put on in the late 1960s and were important socio-cultural milestones. In the 1980s a minor resurgence of festivals occurred with charity as the goal.

Today, many rock festivals are annual events sponsored by major corporations. Besides rock, many feature multiple genres of music such as popdance, andelectronic. Some owners of radio stations produce radio festivals that only include bands of a specific style of rock (according to what the station wants to promote). The size of these events mean that large temporary infrastructures are installed, supplying amenities like water-based ablution facilities.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Fylers for Bazaar

Last Friday i went to the junction fiver to advertise and give out flyers for our event 'Bazaar' at the junction.
We made the flyers in the morning before the fiver in lesson by getting one of the posters we made and
I handed out around 100 leaflets to the fiver crowd and i think quite a few will come.
It was a week before the actual event so hopefully people will remember more than if i had gone to the junction a few weeks before to hand out flyers for it.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Independant Project

Review and Analysis

In the early stages of my project I tried to think of different ideas, but was really interested in working on something that would interest me, as I play in a band. This was the reason why I chose to produce a webpage to advertise a rehearsal and recording studio for young bands.

Although when I did research, I found that there were lots of rehearal or recording studios, I could not find any that were near the centre of Cambridge. This was one of the things that I tried to focus on as I think that location is important. Young people often cannot drive themselves to a recording or rehearsal space so I thought that it was important to have it near and with easy bus and train links. I also wanted to have parking nearby in case young people had a car, and so that they could transport their own musical instruments if they wanted to. I chose the end of Mill Road for this reason, and also wanted it to be near to places where you could buy food easily, as it usually takes all day to record songs, and young people like me get hungry.

I chose to have a combined rehearsal space that had a separate recording room, so that bands could have both facilities available. There were not many studios that offered this. One studio used the room for both, but I thought this was a waste, as when the room was used for recording, you would not be able to practice.

When designing the room, I also wanted to make sure that there were things to make the room more comfortable, like a nice big settee to relax on, as it can be very tiring rehearsing and recording. I chose a leather sofa as I thought this would be more practical to keep clean. I also wanted to make sure that there were toilets, and drink and small kitchen facilities so that young people do not get thirsty. I thought you could rehearse and record better work if you have had enough to eat and drink and had time to rest.

I tried to do some research on good quality recording equipment and microphones, as it would be important to be able to make good quality recordings to give the bands the best chance to promote their music.

I also looked at the kind of lettering I would use for my webpage, and really liked a collage to advertise oxfam. Colour was also important when I looked through magazines, and I noticed that a light background worked well with big bold brightly coloured lettering.

I think it is important to have lots of information on a website about the facilities, and tried to include this in my design. I would love to have a recording and rehearsal studio where the equipment is all available and where you can get spare guitar strings or drum heads if they break.

I got an idea from one website to create a logo, and although it was difficult to try and make a logo, I think it works, in terms of advertising and making all of the webpages link together.

Reviews were another idea that I got from looking at other people’s websites, but I did not think I could include them at the moment because it is meant to be a new website.

If I were to do more work on the website design, I would like to create more photo images of the facilities, and work on my style and colouring of lettering. At home I do not have photoshop, but I would have liked to use this program to improve the quality of my webpage design work.

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