Sunday 16 May 2010

Scene, what each group worked on.

1. The Visual Arts/ Theatre/ Comedy: This group found out about events at the Junction, the ADC theatre, the Corn Exchange and Kettles Yard.

2. Film and Animation/ Photography: This group looked at the photography work of Amy Lee Pledger, who is a photography student at Long Road. They also looked at the Arts picture house productions and Equinox Graphics.

3. Music/ Club Scene/ Dance: On the music/ club/ dance scene page we found out about the main music, club and dance events for the months of March, April and May, so that we could include Listings of the events. I did loads of research on the Junction events like the Fiver and wrote about the history and a particular Fiver Event that was happening in the month of April. I had so much information I had to choose what to include. My group also wrote about local band Violet Bones, and Takeover the Junction.

4. Crafts/ Fashion and Clothing: This group found out about Sooz Jewellery, Hairy Growler Jewellery, POG crafts pottery and Naturally Bohemian (for fashion and clothing). All local.

5. Television and Video/ Interactive Media: I contributed to this area by doing research on BigFoot Television Productions and wrote an article about my research which the group did more work on and made changes for the newspaper.

6. Radio and Audio/ Advertising: This group found out about local radio stations like Cur 135 (short for Cambridge University Radio), run by Cambridge University students. This station is run by Cambridge University students (including ARU students), and is aimed specifically at the students and staff. Other local radio stations include Heart radio, Star radio, Kiss and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

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