Friday 15 January 2010

samba video

I chose this video because it was the same sort of rhythem we were learning and they're all wearing hats with samba sort of colours like green and yellow. When we perform our samba peice at the junction we have to wear a uniform of some sort and hats like that could be a good idea.
The perfomance is done in what seems a street in the middle of quite a lot of people watching.
Half the men seem to be topless but the other half are all wearing the same t-shirt which is black with a yellow sign in the middle which might be the bands logo or something.
I think the video is just being hand filmed by a randomer in the street watching.
This video is very simular to my own experience of samba drumming, it uses some rhythems and stops that we have been using and they are using the same instruments to what we were using.
I understand how long it takes to play as a samba band. 

during our first couple of samba sessions at the junction with Blake, we practised just stamping our feet in a beat and keeping the time steady. Some of us couldn't do this.

We progressed really well after each practise we had at the junction. The learning was slow, but by the last couple of weeks we were really together and playing a lot faster and in time. 

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