Friday 5 February 2010

Dress Rehearsal

Yesterday we had a dress rehearsal at the junction for our Samba band project, i thought it went well as we managed to speed up the pace of the rhythms a lot and it sounded a lot more together as a band. I felt a bit silly in the mask as it was too small for me and hard to see our so i took it off after while, but i think we all looked good in our cramba t-shirts and they were successful. If i could add something to our outfit it would be some face paint instead of masks that were too small for the boys. I think we still looked good without the masks and the dress rehearsal sounded much better than i thought it would.

I am pleased with my own contribution to the cramba performance. I think i have learnt the rhythms well and quickly. i think it helps that i already play drums so i learnt it quicker than others. 

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