Monday 4 January 2010

Campaign day

On Wednesday we will be going around the College promoting our campaign. I've had quite a few idea's on how to do this but still not totally sure how it is going to work out. A few idea's we had today in lesson were to make 'stickers, badges, a leaflet, posters banners, wear your t-shirt, interview people, get people to sign your petition, promote your facebook group, make a video on how you're getting on with your promoting and for my free unlimited calls to perhaps make a big phone out of cardboard.'

In the first lesson on Wednesday i'm going to
*Make my petition for people around the college to sign
*print out the posters i designed to put up round the college

In the second lesson we're going to go around the college promoting our campaign. I'm going to be putting up my posters and asking people to sign my petition while taking a few photo's for proof.

In the third lesson i will be doing viagly the same thing.

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