Wednesday 27 January 2010

Cramba Today

Today i've helped make the banner for our cramba band, been interviewed on how i feel the cramba band is going and my thoughts on how it will help haiti and finish my rough design on the back and front of the leaflet we will be using.
This is a picture of the back and front of the leaflet. 

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Cramba leaflet

Today i’ve made a design for the leaflet for our samba band, i think it has to improve before it is printed out and i am waiting for the times to be confirmed to inform people the times we are playing. We think we will be performing around 2:30/3:00 on the 5th of february in the market square in Cambridge. 


I helped create some logo ideas' for our samba band in the end we made one of my designs better, the logo went round the class for people to comment on to improve, we then went on photoshop to design it,and used it. In yesterdays lesson we discussed what could go wrong like people not turning up or finishing jobs and then talked about our plan for the week. In my group we created the name for our samba band, we decided to call our self  'Cramba'. In today's lesson i am going to create a leaflet for our samba band while the others finish off the poster and print it out.


Friday 15 January 2010

samba video

I chose this video because it was the same sort of rhythem we were learning and they're all wearing hats with samba sort of colours like green and yellow. When we perform our samba peice at the junction we have to wear a uniform of some sort and hats like that could be a good idea.
The perfomance is done in what seems a street in the middle of quite a lot of people watching.
Half the men seem to be topless but the other half are all wearing the same t-shirt which is black with a yellow sign in the middle which might be the bands logo or something.
I think the video is just being hand filmed by a randomer in the street watching.
This video is very simular to my own experience of samba drumming, it uses some rhythems and stops that we have been using and they are using the same instruments to what we were using.
I understand how long it takes to play as a samba band. 

during our first couple of samba sessions at the junction with Blake, we practised just stamping our feet in a beat and keeping the time steady. Some of us couldn't do this.

We progressed really well after each practise we had at the junction. The learning was slow, but by the last couple of weeks we were really together and playing a lot faster and in time. 

Monday 11 January 2010

This is my facebook group, i have 23 members but only know 19 of them, so 4 random people must have seen the group and joined on their own accord. I think if i had invited more people than more random people would join.
I got 12 people to sign my petition on campaign day, i only asked 12 people so it was a 100% success rate. I am quite pleased with my campaign so far but i know i haven't got enough people to sign my petition for anything to happen. I hope to send my petition of later today to orange and other phone companies in hope of a reply.

Friday 8 January 2010

Reflexion on campaign day

i think my campaign went quite well, although it could of gone better. In the first lesson the printer was not working so i couldn't print off my posters to stick around the college which was a set back to my campaign for free unlimited calls. 
I did manage to print out a petition for my campaign for people to sign before the printer stopped working which was good. 
in the second lesson i managed to go round the college getting people aged 16-19 to sign my petition. It was snowing which was good as everyone was in the reflectory so i could go around getting people to sign it. I also managed to get a couple of photo's of random people signing my petition. I got 12 people to sign my petition which was the average amount for my class and i was quite proud of but could of got more.

Next time i would try get my campaign out there some more, put posters up and perhaps advertise my facebook group some more as only 25 people have joined so far. 

To follow up my campaign next week i am going to try get a few more people to sign my petition and send it to a mobile company.


Monday 4 January 2010

Campaign day

On Wednesday we will be going around the College promoting our campaign. I've had quite a few idea's on how to do this but still not totally sure how it is going to work out. A few idea's we had today in lesson were to make 'stickers, badges, a leaflet, posters banners, wear your t-shirt, interview people, get people to sign your petition, promote your facebook group, make a video on how you're getting on with your promoting and for my free unlimited calls to perhaps make a big phone out of cardboard.'

In the first lesson on Wednesday i'm going to
*Make my petition for people around the college to sign
*print out the posters i designed to put up round the college

In the second lesson we're going to go around the college promoting our campaign. I'm going to be putting up my posters and asking people to sign my petition while taking a few photo's for proof.

In the third lesson i will be doing viagly the same thing.

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