Friday 5 February 2010

Risk Assessment

There needs to be a risk assessment everytime we go out incase something happens to one of us.
The risk assessment has made a big difference to our performance as we had planned for last Thursday but instead we had another samba practice at the junction. We had told everyone, made posters etc to perform on Thursday. When we first got told it has been postponed a week the mood in the class wasn't very positive as we had done a lot to perform on Thursday but after another rehearsal i think turned out to be a very good thing and the mood is definitely better and even more positive because he rehearsal went so well. On wednesday when we found out it had been postponed a week we changed the posters and leaflets and facebook group to the actual date to this Thursday coming up.

Dress Rehearsal

Yesterday we had a dress rehearsal at the junction for our Samba band project, i thought it went well as we managed to speed up the pace of the rhythms a lot and it sounded a lot more together as a band. I felt a bit silly in the mask as it was too small for me and hard to see our so i took it off after while, but i think we all looked good in our cramba t-shirts and they were successful. If i could add something to our outfit it would be some face paint instead of masks that were too small for the boys. I think we still looked good without the masks and the dress rehearsal sounded much better than i thought it would.

I am pleased with my own contribution to the cramba performance. I think i have learnt the rhythms well and quickly. i think it helps that i already play drums so i learnt it quicker than others. 

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Cramba Update

In the last few lessons i have been making the banner for our Samba band when we perform tomorrow to raise money for the Haiti earthquake.
The banner is made up of four sheets each about 22cm tall by 28 cm wide.
I also printed out logo's for Haiti, the Junction, our Cram course and Long Road.

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